Fundamental of Finance
Market Manipulation is… This is filler text. This is filler text. This is filler text. This is filler text. This is filler text. This is filler text. This is filler text. This is filler text. This is filler text. This is filler text. This is filler text. This is filler text. This is filler text. This is filler text. This is filler text.
Why Market Manipulation?
For the time being, this site is mostly just a data dump. Over time, it may become more useful to the outside observer. Who knows?
I don’t claim to be an expert on anyone I write about.
Hell, I hardly claim to be an expert on myself.
These profiles are largely for me. I use them to record and reference. In the future, I may make them more meaningful to the outside observer.
No guarantees. Let’s start small.
True scorpio
This is an odd way to put it. But it’s the only phrase that captures the entire bucket. Gary thinks like a Scorpio.
Honey Empire
Many of my heroes talk about company culture. Gary’s idea of a “Honey Empire” is one of the best.
Similar Industry
Most people know Gary as “that social media guy.” Makes sense. He’s one of–if not the–best at it on the planet.
Billion $ Dream
Gary wants to buy the Jets. Big dream, but he has a practical plan for it. Luckily, he is documenting the journey.
Market Manipulation Related Topics
Personal Finance
Real Estate
RElated TEachers

Learn With Me
Most people know Gary as “that social media guy.”
For me personally, he’s a lot more.
But I’ll get to that. First, let’s start with a…
for something.
whatever discount liquors >> wine library
vayner media
vayner x
My Progress So Far
More than anyone else:
Gary is the reason I started creating hero profiles.
Now that I’ve started, I see that his profile may be less useful than my other heroes to other people. But his will likely always remain the most important to me.
I fucking love this dude. He changed my life.
More accurately, he teamed up with Nahko to save my life.
I’m not quite sure when I found him. I featured him all the way back in one of my first posts for Greensboro SEO Pro.
- Level of Understanding – 95%
- Level of Admiration – 98%
- Level of Modeling – 99%
Videos Watched
Books Read
Mentions on My Site
G.O.A.T. Rank
What You’ll Find Here
For the time being, this site is mostly just a data dump. Over time, it may become more useful to the outside observer. Who knows?
My Own Research
I am the definition of a know-it-all. Hopefully, someone else can use that to their advantage. These pages are to cataloging my learnings.
Opinions of Same
I am a master of unsolicited advice. Frankly, it’s annoying. An outlet for self-expression, I hope this site will help me become a better listener.
Video Breakdowns
I consume hundreds of hours of video training, keynotes, and other education content. Timestamping content helps me learn and teach others.
Market Manipulation Data Dump
George Soros Currency Manipulation
This is a topic I still need to research.
datadash also mentions an interview where he admits to toppling governments with currency manipulation
I Joined a Pump & Dump So You Don't Have To
Silver Thursday
This is a topic I still need to research.
Tweets Moving Trillions
TheChartGuys Illustrates Crypto Brutality
Video Highlighting Potential Trend Change (Bottom Found) in Crypto Market Late 2018
- Starts to Touch on Brutality of “Fakeouts” in Crypto (“Won’t See This in Stocks”) ~ 3:19
- In Ten Minutes, We Pulled Back 6%
- “If This is What Trading Was, I don’t Know If This Would Be For Me”
- “TA is Much Less Useful in An Environment Like This”
- “The Bears Are Clearly Waiting for Bull Breaks Then Smashing the Price Down with Market Orders”
- “Not a Favorable Trading Environment in the Slightest”
- “Even if you Zoom Out, The 4-Hour Timeframe Gave You the Same Fakeout”
- Due to Lack of Liquidity Based on Crypto Total Market Says
- “Takes So Much More Capital to Do This (Manipulation) On [a Single Stock Than the Whole Crypto Market]”
Dan From TCG Illustrates Retail Market Making in MJ Stocks
How Crypto Markets Are Manipulated - Datadash
How Crypto Markets Are Actually Manipulated
My Learnings So Far
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