Financial Freedom Toolkit


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What Is Goal Setting?

Setting goals is the mark of the would-be elite performer.  When you understand the power of goal-setting, life changes.  At least, you realize that you have the power to change your life.  Not everyone has what it takes.  But those that do enrich our world.

Why Goal Setting?

Goal setting makes the world a better place—for those setting the goals and those around them.  Without it, we’re subject to the inertia of life.

I don’t claim to be an expert on anything I write about.

Hell, I hardly claim to be an expert on myself.  😂😂😂

These breakdowns are largely for me.  I use them to record and reference.  Unlike most others on this site though, this goal setting page might actually be useful to the outside observer.

No promises.  You can tell me.

Mapping Meaning

Those too impatient to “find” their life’s purpose can create it.  Goal setting helps the courageous become winners.

Chemical Happiness

Your brain is wired to set objective and reach them.  Completing even small-scale goals provides a natural “high.”

Pull Power

The right goals are hard not to chase.  Done right, goal setting has the power to unlock human potential.

Mark of the Maker

Doers need goals.  History’s greatest men and women weren’t spectators.  They were known by their deeds.

There’s a lot that goes into choosing the right goals for you.  Here’s a quick look at what the goal-setting journey has been like for me.

Learn with Me

I’m pretty good at this one.

I’ve been setting epic goals for nearly a decade now.

I don’t achieve all of them.  But I certainly accomplish more in life because I have them.  Without consistent goal setting, there’s no way I’d be the man I am now.

I’ve done goal setting exercises of all types.  They are one of the most important tools I use to improve my life.

Over the years, my process has evolved.

Nowadays, I have a solid list of life goals that I revisit periodically.  I break those down into yearly, quarterly, monthly, and weekly goals.  I use a variety of different frameworks and love to try new goal setting methods.

My goals are how I make my life, as seen on This Site.

My Favorite [This Favorite] Videos

Everything you need to learn about goals is online.

I’m no high performance titan.  I stand on the shoulders of giants.  I simply listen to what my Heroes say and apply it.  Not everything sticks.  But enough does to make a lasting impact.



One of the main purposes of This Site is to catalog my learnings.  I’m not that learned.  But I’m working on becoming moreso.  If you see a “data dump” on this site, you’re looking at unsorted information.  It may be related or completely  unrelated, depending on the topic.


How To Make Money with NFTs for Beginners 2021

SKIP BITCOIN - NFT Beginner Buying Guide

NFT Flipping: How I Made $400 Per Day as a Side Hustle

How I Pick NFTs That 10x (Full Strategy)

Placeholder 5

Placeholder Video 1

Placeholder Video 2

First Video


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NFTs for Beginners in 45 Minutes

What You Need to Know About the NFT World

If You Understand This About NFTs You Are in the Top 10%

Placeholder 1

Placeholder 2

Third Video


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Fourth Video


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Placeholder 1

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