2021 Content Challenge Week 23:


From clockwork back to ground zero… at least as far as the streak is concerned.


Still, it was a fairly typical week.

Insider’s Guide to Credit got the bulk of the work.  ZachBradshaw.com and My Raggedy Patch got an important touch or two.  But eventually, we let off just after Get-Over-the-Hump-Day.


At least Nate Diaz showed Leon what it means to be a Legend.


Zach Bradshaw’s Latest Content 6/6/21 – 6/12/21

Sunday June 6th

Monday June 7th

Tuesday June 8th

Wednesday June 9th

Thursday June 10th

  • No content.  Streak broken,

Friday June 11th

Saturday June 12th

Content Streak

After last week:

My weekly content streak now is up to 2 days (begun June 10th).

My longest streak ever was 157 days in a row during my 2020 Content Challenge, broken in Week 21.  My best this year was 67 days, snapped two days ago.

I’m (still) coming for you 365. 🤩🤩🤩