2021 Content Challenge Week 3:



I took an L on Friday this week by failing to publish anything for myself (though I worked on plenty).  I’m more likely to remember it for Dustin putting Connor to sleep.  All in all, it wasn’t a terrible content producing week.

Progress continued for ZachBradshaw.comZach Bradshaw on YouTube, and Playing MarketsKnow It Copywriting jumped back in the conversation again as well.

All great.  But the best news of January so far:

I’m back to ignoring social media, politics, and the news altogether.


Zach Bradshaw’s Latest Content 1/17/21 – 1/24/21

Sunday January 17th

Monday January 18th

Tuesday January 19th

Wednesday January 20th

Thursday January 21st

Friday January 22nd

  • No Content.  Streak Broken.

Saturday January 23rd

Content Streak

After last week:

My weekly content streak now is up to 1 day (begun January 23rd).

My longest streak ever was 157 days in a row during my 2020 Content Challenge, broken in Week 21.  My best this year was 55 days, snapped the day before my current run began.

I’m (still) coming for you 365. 🤩🤩🤩