Fundamental of Achievement


Affirmations are one of the most tried and true ways to brainwash yourself.  However, “Law of Attraction” culture leads many people to use them in a way that creates cognitive dissonance.  In order to “manifest” your ideal reality you’ve got to become the person worthy of it.


What Are Affirmations?

An affirmation is a statement of truth.  As a practice, affirmations are declarations that assert specific things (that may or may not be a reality yet).  Affirmations can be written or spoken and are commonly used by those trying to “manifest” a new reality for themselves.

Why Affirmations?


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I don’t claim to be an expert on anything I write about.

Hell, I hardly claim to be an expert on myself.  😂😂😂

These breakdowns are largely for me.  I use them to record and reference.  Unlike most others on this site though, this goal setting page might actually be useful to the outside observer.

No promises.  You can tell me.

Brainwashing Tool

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Rewriting Patterns/Pattern Break

habits… become morning person…

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Clearing Out Junk

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Creating Character

increase integrity, confidence, etc.

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Using affirmations effectively isn’t always as simple as the gurus make it seem.  Here’s a quick look at what the affirmation journey has been like for me.

Learn with Me

I use affirmations almost everyday.

And I’ve been doing so for several years at this point.

They are a big part of my Morning Routine.  I don’t necessarily enjoy the process.  But thanks to consistent Habit Tracking, I can’t deny their impact on my overall Productivity.


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My Experience

I’m climbing my way toward mastery.

More than anything, I just need a few more years.

I already have a fairly sophisticated system.  But for me, figuring out what I really want takes reps.

I use my goals to carve out a life purpose.

Points of emphasis respond to change in both me and in the world.  But all the while, they pull me forward.

I create goals then mold my character to the traits that those objectives require.  My goals help me discover the man I need to be so that I can do the things I want to do.

So far, they’ve served me well.  Long may it continue.

  • Importance – 80%
  • Passion – 75%
  • Mastery – 99%

Journey Started: ≈2010


Good Life Foundation

Goals are fundamental.  They are an essential pillar of a good life.  Without them, it’s easy to get blown to and fro by the winds of the world.

Where Goal Setting Fits in a Good Life

Goals are one of the most important pieces of the Achievement puzzle.

For me, they’re a “Tier 2” concept, on the same level as Mindset, Habits, Growth, and High Performance.

It is also closely tied to practices like Journaling.

1. Self Brainwashing
‣ 2. Affirmations
2. Moticuts

3. Frameworks
3. Scheduling
4. Yearly
4. Monthly
4. Daily Planning
3. Business Plans

Success Habit Rank

Videos Watched

Mentions on My Site

Books Read

Pulling Threads: A Lion Chasing Rabbits

Pulling Threads: A Lion Chasing Rabbits

What the hell is This Site, exactly? A pointless stream of consciousness? A fanboy's ode to his Heroes? A psycho's Favorite topics? All three? Or maybe, it's just the result of a lion chasing rabbits. You might LOL... but this is how it works: I am destined to be the...

Using Affirmations to Mold Yourself

For [this favorite] newbies:

Let’s start with the best advice up front.

Just get started.

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writing > speaking but writing + speaking is probably even better… writing + speaking + listening to moticuts is probably best of all



 not necessarily a must… but it does greatly influence your self talk


most popular style is suboptimal… law of attraction/the secret BS… woo woo, not about the butterflies and rainbows, more about developing character/self belief and changing habits


according to science, dumb ones like “i am rich” or “i am good looking” can do more harm than good if they are not true (huberman says so)


personally, it’s been most impactful for me when it comes to self identity… remembering who i am… not so much about self confidence, more about owing a debt due to my potential


some of my favorites:

  • I can solve any problem
  • I am extremely resourceful
  • I believe in my ability to achieve my goals, despite challenges. – brendon burchard
  • i invest in my future today
  • make all necessary sacrifices
  • i let the weakest parts of me die


Jordan Peterson describes writing as one of the best ways to learn how to think better/improve your thinking… power in hand writing things… write goals, affirmations, morning pages


also, more creative ones like

  • discipline is my greatest ally; distraction is my archenemy
  • i am willing to trade pain for progress and suffering for success
  • i yearn for the daily grind; the work is its own reward
  • mine is the drill that will pierce the heavens

 most of these come from my moticuts


 writing > speaking… writing and speaking probably best though

Self Brainwashing

 don’t have to enjoy it, as long as you respond well to it



How to Affirm Your Purpose Step-By-Step


Know What You Want


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Personal Growth

figure out who you need to become

hero’s journey, character

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Make It a Habit

Morning Routine, Nighttime Routine, journaling, moticuts

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eventually just becomes your internal/natural self-talk

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Remember: just start.  The first time you put your goals on paper, you’re closer to achieving your dreams than 90% of the population.

My Favorite Affirmations Videos

You can find a wealth of knowledge about and inspiration for affirmations online.

I’m no high performance titan.  I stand on the shoulders of giants.  I simply listen to what my Heroes say and apply it.  Not everything sticks.  But enough does to make a lasting impact.



One of the main purposes of This Site is to catalog my learnings.  I’m not that learned.  But I’m working on becoming moreso.  If you see a “data dump” on this site, you’re looking at unsorted information.  It may be related or completely  unrelated, depending on the topic.


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Placeholder 5


Placeholder Video 2



moticuts that are especially great to listen to when writing affirmations

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Second Video


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Placeholder 2

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Placeholder 2

Third Video


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Fourth Video


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Placeholder 1

Placeholder 2

How I Use [This Favorite] to Create the Life I want

If you haven’t noticed, I take this stuff seriously.

You don’t have to do it like me.  But maybe you wanna know.  So I guess I’ll tell you.  You might have picked some of it up by reading through this page or clicking on some of the links.

I’ll spell it all out here.

Morning Integration


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Inspiring Voices

listen to moticuts for inspiration on new things to incorporate

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Writing Habit

many journals that i can reference to help remind myself of good affirmations/who i want to be

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Challenge & Promise

“I’m coming boys”… remind myself of my self-proclaimed life purpose and keep my biggest goal at the forefront of my mind

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How I Do It Part 5

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Favorite Coaches


Favorite Teachers


Favorite Entrepreneurs

My [This Favorite] Posts

Becoming Legendary: My 2022 Goals

Becoming Legendary: My 2022 Goals

I'm fairly confident 2022 is going to be the most successful year of my life so far. I'm writing this post to help guarantee that. Obviously, I can't control the future.  But I can set intentions and create a plan of action. That's what Goal Setting is all about. So...

Setting the New 20s Off Right: My 2020 Goals

Setting the New 20s Off Right: My 2020 Goals

New Year's Resolutions get a bad wrap. It's not their fault though. It's yours. The truth is: The beginning of the year is a perfect time for a reset. You have to execute though. Do it right and this year could be the best year you've ever had. No guarantees. Because,...

How to Become a Morning Person [Life-Changing Habit #1]

How to Become a Morning Person [Life-Changing Habit #1]

Becoming a "morning person" has changed my life. Only time will tell, but it could go down as a top five factor to my future success. Learning how to wake up early wasn't easy. Until the second half of 2018, I've been a notoriously late sleeper. It started as a kid: I...

Becoming Legendary: My 2022 Goals

Becoming Legendary: My 2022 Goals

I'm fairly confident 2022 is going to be the most successful year of my life so far. I'm writing this post to help guarantee that. Obviously, I can't control the future.  But I can set intentions and create a plan of action. That's what Goal Setting is all about. So...

Setting the New 20s Off Right: My 2020 Goals

Setting the New 20s Off Right: My 2020 Goals

New Year's Resolutions get a bad wrap. It's not their fault though. It's yours. The truth is: The beginning of the year is a perfect time for a reset. You have to execute though. Do it right and this year could be the best year you've ever had. No guarantees. Because,...

How to Become a Morning Person [Life-Changing Habit #1]

How to Become a Morning Person [Life-Changing Habit #1]

Becoming a "morning person" has changed my life. Only time will tell, but it could go down as a top five factor to my future success. Learning how to wake up early wasn't easy. Until the second half of 2018, I've been a notoriously late sleeper. It started as a kid: I...

Setting Goals for 2019

Setting Goals for 2019

I have mixed feelings about New Year's Resolutions. I don't believe in waiting to make changes. I think it makes more sense to try to grow everyday. Create good new habits.  Erase the negative old ones.  Do it all the time. However, I find that measurement is...

My Top 3 High Performance Coaches

“YouTube University” has brought many a life-optimizer across my path.  These three are my favorite high performance coaches.

Les Brown

operation Director, Elegant Themes

Lisa Nichols

Tech Support, Elegant Themes

Brendon Burchard

operation Director, Elegant Themes