This week we got back in the game.

If last week was a 14-0 first quarter…

This week I brought the deficit down to something like 24-14.

It wasn’t pretty but I definitely closed the gap.

To a large degree, we’re back on script.

But we still have another half to play.

Second Quarter of the Second Game

The Mighty Ducks was one of my favorite movies as a kid.

I’m down for the come-from-behind victory.

And I will always be a beast in the fourth quarter.

But the Champion shows up every day.  They create their own banana peels to slip up on.  And that’s kind of what I did in Week 6.

A quick correction is great.  But the goal is to put a stop to it completely.

Luckily, I got back to doing the work I’m supposed to be doing.  I’m laying out exactly what we do at my marketing agency.  And while SEO Citations training is a priority, this one is a higher level priority.

Plus, there’s another big bonus:

I’ve got my team partially integrated and working on my 2020 Content Challenge with me.  This is where things can start to get interesting.

All of it will get easier with this.

Well.  Maybe that’s an overstatement.


But at least my dreams of a 365-day consecutive content streak sound more realistic.  I almost didn’t notice that I just crossed 50 days.  It doesn’t feel like I’ve put in the work to be halfway to my longest ever streak.

I realize that it requires the same consistency.  Perhaps there is more consistent Delegation, but it’s something I have to make a Habit nonetheless.

For now, I’m still the engine in my business.

That’s fine.

I see the value of becoming a champion as a player before trying to become a champion as a coach, general manager, or owner.

I plan to master all the roles.

(If you didn’t know, just check my Favorites. 😉)

Zach Bradshaw Publishing 2/9/20 – 2/15/20

It really is amazing.

I seriously just had to review my week to see what got published.


I added these Heroes weeks ago.  And they are only going live now.  Beautiful.  Then, I have new ones coming next week with my most updated designs.  From there, it’s back to Credit Card pages—maybe for the next few months.

Beyond that, it might be time to have my team get used to mass producing sites.  Some of My Brands are simmering beneath the surface, getting ready to 💥.

It’s easy to get excited.  But we have to keep our eye on the ball.

After all, it’s still just halftime of the second game.

Here’s the full play-by-play.

Weekly Breakdown

Sunday February 9th

Monday February 10th

Tuesday February 11th

Wednesday February 12th

Thursday February 13th

Friday February 14th

Saturday February 15th

The Week Ahead

After last week:

My weekly content streak now is up to 52 days (begun December 26th, 2019).

My longest streak so far was 96 days during my 2019 Daily Content Challenge.

Based on scheduling, I’m already set to extend that for 2 more.

So how close are we to winning February?

Closer than we were last week.  😂😅📈  Trailing, but with plenty of time left on the clock.

Good thing too.  We can’t afford too many slow starts.  But at least we kept in touch.

For us, the next two weeks needs to equate to a big second half.