Fundamental of Entrepreneurship
Billing &
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What Is Billing & Invoicing?
Setting goals is the mark of the would-be elite performer. When you understand its power, life changes. At least, you realize that you have the power to change your life. Not everyone has what it takes. But those willing to set big goals enrich our world.
Why Billing?
Goal setting makes the world a better place—for those setting the goals and those around them. Without it, we’re subject to the inertia of life.
I don’t claim to be an expert on anything I write about.
Hell, I hardly claim to be an expert on myself. 😂😂😂
These breakdowns are largely for me. I use them to record and reference. Unlike most others on this site though, this goal setting page might actually be useful to the outside observer.
No promises. You can tell me.
Mapping Meaning
Those too impatient to “find” their life’s purpose can create it. Goal setting helps the courageous become winners.
Chemical Happiness
Your brain is wired to set objectives and reach them. Achieving even small-scale goals provides a natural “high.”
Pull Power
The right goals are hard not to chase. Done right, goal setting has the power to unlock human potential.
Mark of the Maker
Doers need goals. History’s greatest men and women weren’t spectators. They were known by their deeds.
There’s a lot that goes into choosing the right goals for you. Here’s a quick look at what the goal-setting journey has been like for me.
Learn with Me
I’m pretty good at this one.
I’ve been setting epic goals for nearly a decade now.
I don’t achieve all of them. But I certainly accomplish more in life because I have them. Without consistent goal setting, there’s no way I’d be the man I am now.
I’ve done goal setting exercises of all types. They are one of the most important tools I use to improve my life.
Over the years, my process has evolved.
Nowadays, I have a solid list of life goals that I revisit periodically. I break those down into yearly, quarterly, monthly, and weekly goals. I use a variety of different frameworks and love to try new goal setting methods.
My goals are how I make my life, as seen on This Site.
My Experience
I’m climbing my way toward mastery.
More than anything, I just need a few more years.
I already have a fairly sophisticated system. But for me, figuring out what I really want takes reps.
I use my goals to carve out a life purpose.
Points of emphasis respond to change in both me and in the world. But all the while, they pull me forward.
I create goals then mold my character to the traits that those objectives require. My goals help me discover the man I need to be so that I can do the things I want to do.
So far, they’ve served me well. Long may it continue.
- Importance – 99%
- Passion – 85%
- Mastery – 90%
Journey Started: ≈2010
Good Life Foundation
Goals are fundamental. They are an essential pillar of a good life. Without them, it’s easy to get blown to and fro by the winds of the world.
Where Goal Setting Fits in a Good Life
Goals are one of the most important pieces of the Achievement puzzle.
For me, they’re a “Tier 2” concept, on the same level as Mindset, Habits, Growth, and High Performance.
It is also closely tied to practices like Journaling.
1. Achievement
‣ 2. Goal Setting
3. Frameworks
3. Scheduling
4. Yearly
4. Monthly
4. Daily Planning
3. Business Plans
Success Habit Rank
Videos Watched
Mentions on My Site
Books Read

Pulling Threads: A Lion Chasing Rabbits
What the hell is This Site, exactly? A pointless stream of consciousness? A fanboy's ode to his Heroes? A psycho's Favorite topics? All three? Or maybe, it's just the result of a lion chasing rabbits. You might LOL... but this is how it works: I am destined to be the...
How to Create a Billing Process That Enables Growth
For billing and invoicing newbies:
Don’t over complicate it.
Just send the invoice.
Maybe you didn’t know that Paypal takes 3%. Too bad, so does everyone else. Just send the bill. Get the money in your account and move on. Congrats. Now, you’re a real business and you might even be turning into a conservative.
How to Bill Your Customers Step-by-Step
Know Your Numbers
If you don’t want it bad enough, you won’t do what is necessary to achieve it. Most people lack the motivation to even write their goals down, let alone pursue them. Ironically, goals are motivating. When you do it right, they provide a constant source of motivation.
Race to the Bottom.
My recommendation is to always beat your competition everywhere… so find the easiest billing process in your industry and beat it… depending on where billing falls as a pain point in your industry
Goal-Based Habits
To achieve your goals you have to turn them into action. That means you need to map your goals to specific behaviors. Better yet, create habits that push you toward your goals. Once you know what you want, it’s a matter of becoming the you that deserves it.
Schedules & Tracking
No one likes schedules or tracking. But you need them if you’re serious about progress. If you don’t schedule it, you won’t get it done (especially not the hard stuff). If you don’t track it, you won’t know what works best. In review, you often learn the most.
Be a Dream Chaser
You can’t just wish your most audacious dreams into reality. And if you’re new to this, you may not succeed as you are now. You’ll have to learn skills, develop character, and make sacrifices. It’s about self identity. You’ll have to build the resiliency that says “this is me.”
Remember: just start. The first time you put your goals on paper, you’re closer to achieving your dreams than 90% of the population.
My Favorite Billing and Invoicing Videos
You can find everything you need to know about goal-setting online.
I’m no high performance titan. I stand on the shoulders of giants. I simply listen to what my Heroes say and apply it. Not everything sticks. But enough does to make a lasting impact.
My First
When I am trying to teach someone about how to set goals, this is where I start. The first few videos are meant to change your paradigms about goal setting. They all lead up to a nine minute exercise in the last video. It’s great to do in groups and share.
The 2 Levers That Make Us Who We Are
Vishen Explains "Brules"
Understanding the Culturescape
Means Goals vs. End Goals
Mastin Kipp on Impact Theory
The 3 Most important Questions
Goals 101 by Brian Johnson
How to Set and Achieve Meaningful Goals
1. Targets – 0:38
- We need to have them and pick good ones
- Modern science agrees that we need to have targets and move towards them
- It’s not about attaining the targets, it’s about the process of moving towards them
2. No. 1 Target – 1:11
- The main thing we’re aiming at, or you at your heroic best
- It’s about expanding the idea of what you’re capable of doing, increasing your self concept, and creating goals that challenge you to be your best. Over the long run and in this moment.
3. The Big 3 – 1:36
- Think about 3 primary areas of our lives we want to optimize and set goals for
4. The Motivation Equation – 1:55
- Unpacking how science says we can remove distractions over the long run
- An essential step in achieving our goals
- Identify what you really really want, have the confidence to hit it, remove the distractions and impulsivity, and make micro-goals a part of our process. Or M=(VxE)/(IxD)
5. 5 Years + Mastery + the One – 2:24
- Fast forward and look forward to your life in 5 years
- You can’t do everything, so what are you going to truly excel at?
- And what’s the one goal that if you achieved it would make the biggest difference?
6. Decide to Decide – 2:53
- Know our price and pay it daily, then remove choice
- Categorically remove the option of quitting
- You’ve decided this isimportant to you, you know the costs and are willing to pay them, and you’re going to finish. One baby step after the next
7. 5 Minutes, No. 1, 24/7 – 3:19
- Science says the most robust way to improve our optimism is to spend some time each day reflecting on our goals
- Identifying your number 1 goal-setting objective for today, then live that goal 24/7
8. Serenity Key & Tranquility Tax – 3:45
- You want to feel peace of mind? Then determine what’s getting in the way of that.
- Move towards achieving the things causing stress and anxiety to achieve serenity
9. Love 2.0 x 3 otls – 4:04
- The new science of love: upgrading from love 1.0 to love 2.0
- Set a goal to create more of what researchers call “positivity resonance” in your life (aka “connections” or “love”)
10. Ideal You Now – 4:32
- There are no ordinary moments. And you can be extraordinary now.
- Show up and be your best in the present
Am I Dreaming Too Big?
Life Goals (Instead of Business Plans)
How Well-Crafted Goals Become Reality
Goals vs. Vision
Goals vs. Vision
Why S.M.A.R.T. Goals Suck
How To Set Goals Effectively by Leo
The 20 Year Life Plan
New Years Goals for Winning Life
Setting Goals That Will Actually Make You Happy
Goal Setting
Quick Hitters
These are some of my favorite short (30 minutes or less) videos about goals. If you’re new to setting goals, they’ll introduce you to some powerful concepts. If you’ve been setting goals for awhile, they can help you find a new angle of attack. Either way, they’re worth a listen.
Goal Setting
Deep Dives
This one’s for the dream-chasing junkies like me. Not everyone is built to watch hour-long videos on goals. But we the few, well we’ve got sh!t to do. An hour (or two) weighed against the rest of your life really ain’t much. 🤷♂️ Once you’re serious, you might even watch them again.
Think Like a Grand Master Entrepreneur
The Year of High Performance
Setting Goals for 2020 by Uncle G
Power of Monthly Goals
How To Plan Your Week as an Entrepreneur
How Millionaires Schedule Their Day
How To Design the Perfect Day
Over Time
The whole point is to map objectives to timelines. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Your personal empire won’t be either. Still, you must value each day. Work backwards from your big goals to make sure you progress toward them each day, each week, each month, each year.
This is a special category for the entrepreneurs. Not everyone needs a business plan. But for those that do, it’s much more powerful when put in the greater context of your life. When you sync your business targets with your personal goals, the load just seems to get lighter.
How to Write a One Page Business Plan
How To Plan Your Next 15 Moves
3 Types of Goals for Business Plans
2020 Strategic Business Planning
How to Write A Business Plan In 2021
How I Bill My Clients Across Different Brands
If you haven’t noticed, I take this stuff seriously.
You don’t have to do it like me. But maybe you wanna know. So I guess I’ll tell you. You might have picked some of it up by reading through this page or clicking on some of the links.
I’ll spell it all out here.
Knowledge of Self and Divination
When you set goals like this, it becomes a spiritual thang. Self Awareness is my fave. 🤩 It might be the best tool for sorting out things like your “heart’s desire” or “life purpose.” And when you get it right, your goals become your destiny. Predict your own success, then take responsibility. You’ll be able to look back and say “Called it, b!tch.” 😏
Bullet Journal, Save Us
I pretty much put my entire life in my Bullet Journal. It’s a straight up lifesaver. More than that though: for me, it’s a life maker. Bullet journals let you create your own dynamic layouts that are perfect for goal setting. I create new layouts every year as I learn and my needs develop. Without it, I don’t know how I would be able to plan as I do.
Turning Big Rocks Into Little Rocks
Each year, I revisit and revise my life goals. I add and subtract as needed then build out a yearly plan based on that. I break those down into monthly targets, to be reviewed and updated each quarter throughout the year. Finally, I use weekly and daily journal layouts to plan and track the individual tasks that need to get done day to day.
Day Dreaming with Homework
I approach goal setting with a “shoot for the moon” mentality. I’m all about bringing imagination into it. But that has to be anchored with tracking and review. I basically create worksheets for myself. They range from daily To Do Lists to monthly project planning to financial dashboards. Together, they help me identify what gets results for me.
Sharing is Caring
If you haven’t noticed, I like to share my goals. 😁 It’s good for you. I even try to set up group goal setting activities when I can. (See: First Mastermind) Support and accountability are underrated. Masterminds provide both. Beyond that, I like to announce my goals to the world because I’m a sh!t talker and it motivates me to do live up to my words.
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My Goal Setting Posts
Becoming Legendary: My 2022 Goals
I'm fairly confident 2022 is going to be the most successful year of my life so far. I'm writing this post to help guarantee that. Obviously, I can't control the future. But I can set intentions and create a plan of action. That's what Goal Setting is all about. So...
Setting the New 20s Off Right: My 2020 Goals
New Year's Resolutions get a bad wrap. It's not their fault though. It's yours. The truth is: The beginning of the year is a perfect time for a reset. You have to execute though. Do it right and this year could be the best year you've ever had. No guarantees. Because,...
How to Become a Morning Person [Life-Changing Habit #1]
Becoming a "morning person" has changed my life. Only time will tell, but it could go down as a top five factor to my future success. Learning how to wake up early wasn't easy. Until the second half of 2018, I've been a notoriously late sleeper. It started as a kid: I...
Becoming Legendary: My 2022 Goals
I'm fairly confident 2022 is going to be the most successful year of my life so far. I'm writing this post to help guarantee that. Obviously, I can't control the future. But I can set intentions and create a plan of action. That's what Goal Setting is all about. So...
Setting the New 20s Off Right: My 2020 Goals
New Year's Resolutions get a bad wrap. It's not their fault though. It's yours. The truth is: The beginning of the year is a perfect time for a reset. You have to execute though. Do it right and this year could be the best year you've ever had. No guarantees. Because,...
How to Become a Morning Person [Life-Changing Habit #1]
Becoming a "morning person" has changed my life. Only time will tell, but it could go down as a top five factor to my future success. Learning how to wake up early wasn't easy. Until the second half of 2018, I've been a notoriously late sleeper. It started as a kid: I...
Setting Goals for 2019
I have mixed feelings about New Year's Resolutions. I don't believe in waiting to make changes. I think it makes more sense to try to grow everyday. Create good new habits. Erase the negative old ones. Do it all the time. However, I find that measurement is...
My Top 3 High Performance Coaches
"YouTube University" has brought many a life-optimizer across my path. These three are my favorite high performance coaches.
So, You Think You Want to Climb to the Top?
Nice little subtitle for the win. Nice little subtitle for the win. Nice little subtitle for the win. Nice little subtitle for the win. or the win.