Fundamental of Achievement
Work ethic is one of the best predictors of success across most endeavors. Almost all worthwhile accomplishments require hard work in some form or fashion. Whether mental or physical, your willingness to put in the work will go a long way in determining what you can achieve.
What Is Work Ethic?
Work ethic is a personal principle that signifies how much an individual values hard work. Those with a higher work ethic are more likely to work longer and harder. Similar to training a muscle, the best way to build a stronger work ethic is through work itself.
Why Work Ethic?
Work ethic is an indispensable attribute of high performers. If you want to achieve anything, you have to put in the time and effort.
I don’t claim to be an expert on anything I write about.
Hell, I hardly claim to be an expert on myself. 😂😂😂
These breakdowns are largely for me. I use them to record and reference. Unlike most others on this site though, this goal setting page might actually be useful to the outside observer.
No promises. You can tell me.
Essential Worker
Become a pillar of your community. When others know they can depend on you, you’ll never be expendable.
That Extra Edge
Work ethic is one of those “great separators,” that enable you to outlast and outcompete others in your field.
Success Requisite
Work is a toll that must be paid on the road to achievement. Talent is not enough. You actually have to do.
Well Earned Respect
Strong work ethic is one of the most admired character traits you can have. Earn respect by the sweat of your brow.
The path to developing elite work ethic is not necessary the straight path. Here’s a quick look at what the journey has been like for me.
Learn with Me
I’ve always been able to work hard.
Yet, I used to consider myself a lazy person.
I Procrastinated all of my chores at home. I rarely practiced piano between lessons. I almost never did my homework in school. And I was called lazy for it. Fair enough. 🤷♂️
However, I outworked everyone on the football field and in the tae kwon do studio. And I could cut lawns all day.
But wasn’t until I started working full-time that I realized:
Very few people are built to work harder or longer than me.
entrepreneurship… 60 hour work weeks when i was at my peak
when my powers are at their peak, i could crank out back to back to back to back 60-hour work weeks in my sleep
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This is filler text. This is filler text, as seen on This Site.
My Experience
Today, “work” is my favorite four-letter word.
As one of my favorite Affirmations goes:
“I yearn for the daily grind.”
my main issue now is being able to get my full effort/hours in everything i do… ie its easy to work a whole day in my garden, it’s harder to do so on random seo campaigns
enjoy work for the sake of it… both creative work and physical labor
i know what my triggers are… don’t always use them properly/consistently enough
i know i could do a lot more… and its the last 10-25% where i’ll see the biggest pay off
I’m climbing my way toward mastery.
More than anything, I just need a few more years.
I already have a fairly sophisticated system. But for me, figuring out what I really want takes reps.
I use my goals to carve out a life purpose.
Points of emphasis respond to change in both me and in the world. But all the while, they pull me forward.
I create goals then mold my character to the traits that those objectives require. My goals help me discover the man I need to be so that I can do the things I want to do.
So far, they’ve served me well. Long may it continue.
- Importance – 95%
- Passion – 90%
- Mastery – 75%
Journey Started: ≈2010
Good Life Foundation
Work ethic is a requirement. They are an essential pillar of a good life. Without them, it’s easy to get blown to and fro by the winds of the world.
Where Work Ethic Fits in a Good Life
Work ethic is one of the most valuable Character traits
Work ethic is one of the most valuable traits for individuals of Character.
Goals are one of the most important pieces of the Achievement puzzle.
For me, they’re a “Tier 2” concept, on the same level as Mindset, Habits, Growth, and High Performance.
It is also closely tied to practices like Journaling.
1. Achievement
‣ 2. Goal Setting
3. Frameworks
3. Scheduling
4. Yearly
4. Monthly
4. Daily Planning
3. Business Plans
Character Trait Rank
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Pulling Threads: A Lion Chasing Rabbits
What the hell is This Site, exactly? A pointless stream of consciousness? A fanboy's ode to his Heroes? A psycho's Favorite topics? All three? Or maybe, it's just the result of a lion chasing rabbits. You might LOL... but this is how it works: I am destined to be the...
Building the Work Ethic YOUr Best Life DEmands
For the work ethic weaklings:
Let’s start with the best advice up front.
Just get started.
Work ethic is like a muscle.
The more work you do, the easier it becomes.
Better still:
If you work hard for long enough, you might even come to enjoy it.
like many character traits, you can exercise it like a muscle…
understand that it is necessary… not just to achieve your goals, but to live in the first place… may be covered by our immense institutions but if you aren’t contributing you’re a leach on society/holding humanity back from its potential/if you don’t reach your full potential, neither can humanity
Productivity, Deep Work
labor, creative, analytical
rest is overrated (lol)
It is regarded as a character trait/personality trait but can be developed… generally by doing more work
How to Increase YOur Work Ethic Step-By-Step
Find Your Why
Motivation is where most things start. Training yourself to work harder is no exception. When you find something you truly want, taking action toward it becomes natural…
if you aren’t willing to work for it, is it even valuable/do you even really want it? …need a stronger carrot/something to fire you up… goal setting, journaling, self awareness
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Work Everyday
Make working hard your natural state.
daily, make work a habit… preferrably of the deep variety
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Exercise Discipline/Willpower
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Make It Who You Are
Become “the type of person who” does the work whether they want to or not. Or better yet, become the “type of person who” loves the work
self brainwashing, self identity
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Remember: just start. The first time you put your goals on paper, you’re closer to achieving your dreams than 90% of the population.
My Favorite Work Ethic Videos
Everything you need to know about developing elite work ethic can be found online.
I’m no high performance titan. I stand on the shoulders of giants. I simply listen to what my Heroes say and apply it. Not everything sticks. But enough does to make a lasting impact.
One of the main purposes of This Site is to catalog my learnings. I’m not that learned. But I’m working on becoming moreso. If you see a “data dump” on this site, you’re looking at unsorted information. It may be related or completely unrelated, depending on the topic.
Rock Lee - Believe in Yourself!
Protocol for Discipline, Hard Work, & Motivation
"It Actually Affects How Much Dopamine Is Released"
The Reason You Are Not Successful...
Rock Lee - Believe in Yourself!
Rock Lee - Believe in Yourself!
First Video
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Second Video
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Rock Lee - Believe in Yourself!
Rock Lee - Believe in Yourself!
How I Use My Work Ethic to Create the Life I want
If you haven’t noticed, I take this stuff seriously.
You don’t have to do it like me. But maybe you wanna know. So I guess I’ll tell you. You might have picked some of it up by reading through this page or clicking on some of the links.
I’ll spell it all out here.
Self Brainwashing
affirmations, goal setting, morning routine, moticuts
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Becoming Universal
One of my biggest struggles is being able to translate the same effort I give for gardening or my brands into work for Greensboro SEO Pro… not the most fun of my brands but it is the money maker
making sure my full work ethic extends to greensboro seo pro client work or other things that i tend to attract procrastination
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Content Challenges
building my writing skill through daily practice… i could write on This Site all day, ability worth harnessing
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No Options Environment
part of the issues was certainly distractions like video games and lack of the discipline to do things proper order
building my writing skill through daily practice
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Working Out
fitness… will myself to the 50th push up
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Physical Labor
gardening… what’s more, i have to do it now, can’t procrastinate on your planting
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Setting the New 20s Off Right: My 2020 Goals
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How to Become a Morning Person [Life-Changing Habit #1]
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Becoming Legendary: My 2022 Goals
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Setting the New 20s Off Right: My 2020 Goals
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How to Become a Morning Person [Life-Changing Habit #1]
Becoming a "morning person" has changed my life. Only time will tell, but it could go down as a top five factor to my future success. Learning how to wake up early wasn't easy. Until the second half of 2018, I've been a notoriously late sleeper. It started as a kid: I...
Setting Goals for 2019
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So, You Think You Want to Climb to the Top?
Nice little subtitle for the win. Nice little subtitle for the win. Nice little subtitle for the win. Nice little subtitle for the win. or the win.