2021 Content Challenge Week 52:


The last week of one of my most successful years.


And to set 2022 up for even biggest wins, I’m going into the new year with a 50+ day content streak.

That feels pretty big.  If I make it all the way to my birthday, that will be over one year of consistent content.  Obviously, that’s almost a year away.  Nonetheless, it’s the best starting point I’ve had at the beginning of the year since my original 365-Day Content Challenge.  So I’m pretty hype.

Plus, I really needed this yearly reset.  Despite the success, I haven’t been following my Achievement principles very well.  Therefore, that’s where I’m going to focus my content efforts in the new year.

This week I put in a lot of work across various Favorites.  Sure, there was an awful lot of tab-clearing.  But I also produced a lot of original stuff that will soon be live.  Not to mention, now I’ve got Jarvis on the team.  I’ll probably test out some other AI writers too.  That means My Brands might just explode this year.  And I’m also going to double-down on getting my Hero pages up to snuff.  I’ve got a lot of them.  And some already show up Google, despite the obscene amount of filler text on 99% of them.  In 2022, This Site will see some big changes.

I can’t wait to see where I am at the end of Q1.  And at the end of the year, I think my whole life may look completely different.


Aside from the new year, this was a fairly uneventful week, personally.

I suppose it was the week I demolished my Deep Work page.  And I also started putting together something for one of my favorite clients ever, based on a project from one of my least favorite ever.  I’m looking forward to seeing how that goes.

In the world aside, the other real other development was that this was the week Big Rom made a big mistake.

Dumb interview with even dumber timing. 🙄

Regardless, c’mon you blues.


Zach Bradshaw’s Latest Content 12/26/21 – 1/1/21

Sunday December 26th

Monday December 27th

Tuesday December 28th

Wednesday December 29th

Thursday December 30th

Friday December 31st

Saturday January 1st

Content Streak

After last week:

My weekly content streak now is up to 55 days (begun November 9th).

My longest streak ever was 157 days in a row during my 2020 Content Challenge, broken in Week 21.  My best this year was 67 days, snapped in Week 23.

I’m coming for you 365. 🤩🤩🤩