2023 Content Challenge Week 8:




…to his senses.

And it’s about damn time.  It’s been months since I put together any sort of content streak.

Now, I’m back on my game.  Not quite back to the peak of my powers yet.  But it honestly doesn’t feel so far off.

I worked on my content first everyday this week.  Plus, all of my output was meaning.  It was fully concentrated on my Achievement silo on ZachBradshaw.com, which is exactly what I need right now.

It’s not spectacular.  It’s is simply progress—and boy, does it feel good.

More than anything, that’s what this week was about.  Progress.

I pushed out content, dealt with months worth of emails, and regained my bearings across many projects.  I also restarted some of my most important morning habits, like running laps and my GAP protocol.

Perhaps most importantly, I went completely sober (except for finishing off my small supply of mushrooms) for the first time in years.

Yes.  That means we’re in unheard of territory.


I’m extremely hype for the week ahead!

Zach Bradshaw’s Latest Content 2/19/23 – 2/25/23

Sunday February 19th

  • No content.  No streak.

Monday February 20th

Tuesday February 21st

Wednesday February 22nd

Thursday February 23rd

Friday February 24th

Saturday February 25th

Content Streak

After last week:

My weekly content streak now is up to 6 days (begun February 20th).

My longest streak ever was last year, snapped at 217 days in a row in Week 24.  My best during 2021’s Content Challenge was 67 days, from Week 14 to Week 23.  And my best in 2020 was 157 days in a row, which ended in Week 21.

The march toward a full 365 continues.  📈