2024 Content Challenge Week 26:


This is almost surreal now.

After more than two years without a triple digit streak, I can finally set my eyes on the 150-day mark.

In week 26, I crossed the 110-day and 15-week lines.

That puts me about 40 days away from the second-longest streak ever.

And with what I have planned for the week ahead, that may be all but guaranteed.

I’m salivating at the prospect.


What Got Done?

Unfortunately, it was a rather tame week.

I thought it might be another monster one but it was not to be.

All of my time was spent on the big-brain activity of updating my Candlestick Pattern post template.  I suppose I could use the excuse that it just wore me out, leading to fewer hours put in.

If I’m totally honest with myself though, I think it was more just a case of poor Habits.

As a new quarter begins, I’m definitely going to turn that around.  It’s been awhile since I worked on my Achievement silo on This Site, which I really miss.  Over the last couple of months, every time I got a hankerin’ to work on ZachBradshaw.com, I put it aside for Playing Markets.

That’s done.

I’m far enough ahead that I can spare some bandwidth without risking my content streak.  After all, I may have posts scheduled all the way into September by the end of this week.


Plus, it usually raises my overall game to write about Personal Growth, Character, and everything related.

Paired with the pull of imbedding web traffic jumps, I fully expect July to be one of my best months in at least a year—anf may even reach all-time best levels.


If so, it’s about damn time!


Last Week Was the Week That…

Trump and Biden debated (but I couldn’t muster up the give-a-fnck to watch it).

It was also the week Michelle Waterson retired (😭) and Poatan absolutely destroyed Jiri in their rematch at UFC 303.

Other than that, I know the Euros and Copa América were on.  But I can hardly pay attention to anything in pop culture right now (which is a good thing).

In my personal life, this was also the week I decided I’m never dealing with a girl that listens to Section 8 music ever again.


Not even casually.


It’s beyond just a red flag.  It’s a massive drain on my psyche and not worth the effort.

I also think it will make returning to full sobriety much easier.

No mo’ 304s driving me to drank.  🥃


I can’t imagine anything but positives coming from that decision.


Zach Bradshaw’s Latest Content 6/23/24 – 6/29/24

Sunday June 23rd

Monday June 24th

Tuesday June 25th

Wednesday June 26th

Thursday June 27th

Friday June 28th

Saturday June 29th

Content Streak

After last week:

My weekly content streak now is up to 112 days (begun Week 10), which is the longest streak of my 2024 Content Challenge so far.

In 2023, my longest streak was 62 days, from Week 8 to Week 16.  My longest streak ever was during my 2022 Content Challenge, snapped at 217 days in a row in Week 24.  My best during 2021’s Content Challenge was 67 days, from Week 14 to Week 23.  And my best in 2020 was 157 days in a row, which ended in Week 21.

The march toward a full 365 continues.  📈