2024 Content Challenge Week 27:



I’ve successfully published new content every single day for 16 straight weeks.

Once I publish this post, I will have done so for a full 120 days.

That means I’m just over a month away from breaking the 150-day mark (and my second longest streak all-time).

So I’m finally back to that sweet spot where I simply don’t see an end in sight.

I’ll do it… or die.

What Got Done?

For the first time in months I actually brought my Achievement and Character content back into the mix.

It’s always nice to work on this .  However, I’m not sure it had that positive of an impact on my overall production.  Usually, it’s one of those things helps spur me on.  This time around, I kind of felt like it wasted brain power.  I struggled to zone in to Playing Markets tasks afterwards.  This is opposite of my prior experience.

Still, I’m going to keep after it for at least this month.  I have so many of these pages almost done.  And I’d really like to make at least a little something out of This Site

Anyway, the main thing is the continuation of my Candlestick Types and Candlestick Patterns posts.  I’m still about two weeks ahead on those, and my next stops are going to push that timeline out much further—perhaps even multiple months.


Last Week Was the Week That…

Nate Diaz got his one back against  Masvidal, though I’m not sure I agreed with the decision.

I also watched a bunch of Euros games, which was unexpected.  I even caught a few for the Copa América

Chelsea also signed a guy (lol).

Other than that, my homie moved in right down the street so that was cool.

But mostly, I’m still just tunnel vision on my work.

(Perfect 👌)

Zach Bradshaw’s Latest Content 6/30/24 – 7/6/24

Sunday June 30th

Monday July 1st

Tuesday July 2nd

Wednesday July 3rd

Thursday July 4th

Friday July 5th

Saturday July 6th

Content Streak

After last week:

My weekly content streak now is up to 119 days (begun Week 10), which is the longest streak of my 2024 Content Challenge so far.

In 2023, my longest streak was 62 days, from Week 8 to Week 16.  My longest streak ever was during my 2022 Content Challenge, snapped at 217 days in a row in Week 24.  My best during 2021’s Content Challenge was 67 days, from Week 14 to Week 23.  And my best in 2020 was 157 days in a row, which ended in Week 21.

The march toward a full 365 continues.  📈