2024 Content Challenge Week 28:


It feels sooooo good to have made it this far.

And with each passing week, hitting my ultimate goal of a full 365 days of content production seems less and less daunting.

I’m now 17 weeks in and about a third of the way to that goal.

Honestly, I have a hard time imagining this streak breaking anytime soon.

As long as I stay productive on the “weekends,” it will continue.

Good thing I barely even believe in those.


What Got Done?

It has taken me longer than it should have but my second version of my Candlestick Patterns post template is about 99% complete.

Truly, they’re done but my editing process is just a little bit too OCD.  Working on them last week was a bit of a slog due to self-imposed perfectionism.  🤷‍♂️  From here though, it should only take me one more day to finalize everything.  Then, I’ll be spitting out completed posts in rapid succession—probably something like six or more per day.


With how many I have lined up, that should get me all the way into September with scheduled posts.

Sounds magical.

Now, I should admit that I failed to work on This Site in any meaningful way.  This was not the plan.  I’ll be looking to remedy that next week as I really do enjoy writing about Character, Achievement, and my other Favorites.

Hopefully though, my progress on Playing Markets will be great enough that I can dive into some of my other topics soon as well.

As things stand, I really can’t wait for Monday!

Last Week Was the Week That…

England and Spain made it into the Euro finals while Argentina made it into the Copa América final.

If not for the Chelsea players involved, I probably wouldn’t have paid any attention.

But I did, though the distractions are melting away.

At least they were.

Then Saturday happened.

Apparently, there was an assassination attempt against Donald Trump.

I’m undecided whether it was a legitimate attempt or a spectacularly executed psyop.  Personally, I lean toward it being a real attempt (and predicted it would happen countless times) but it’s pretty hard to believe how it went down.  If not for Elon buying Twitter, it would be even harder to believe.  For better or worse, there was a lot of uncensored (albeit quite amateur) footage.

It’s kinda’ scary but even more annoying.


I’ve done such a good job fighting my politics addiction.  And this poses a real threat of drawing me back.

Luckily, my obsession with my work is nearing maximum levels.

Hopefully, it’s enough to fight off this latest distraction.


Only time will tell.

Zach Bradshaw’s Latest Content 7/7/24 – 7/13/24

Sunday July 7th

Monday July 8th

Tuesday July 9th

Wednesday July 10th

Thursday July 11th

Friday July 12th

Saturday July 13th

Content Streak

After last week:

My weekly content streak now is up to 126 days (begun Week 10), which is the longest streak of my 2024 Content Challenge so far.

In 2023, my longest streak was 62 days, from Week 8 to Week 16.  My longest streak ever was during my 2022 Content Challenge, snapped at 217 days in a row in Week 24.  My best during 2021’s Content Challenge was 67 days, from Week 14 to Week 23.  And my best in 2020 was 157 days in a row, which ended in Week 21.

The march toward a full 365 continues.  📈