2024 Content Challenge Week 36:



Once this post is complete, I have officially published new content every day for six months straight!

This is only the second time I’ve broken the 25-week and 180-day barriers.


Holy crap!  I’m freakin’ jacked about it.

What Got Done?

While I produced less total words this week than I have in awhile, some of the those words are quite significant.

The main thing I worked on were updates to some of my Market Terms that were published long ago.  While they aren’t anything special yet, they are all posts that my Candlestick Patterns already link to, so turning them into something more substantial was really necessary.  I’ve got about another week’s worth of those on the docket for next week.  Then, it’s probably back to some templated posts for another month or two (though I may sprinkle in a few more uniques over the coming weeks).

I also got back into my Character and Achievement pages, even pushing a few of them to near completion.  Therapeutic and much-needed.

And once again, my site took another big jump up in its Google rankings.  Altogether, I’m itching to crush my to-dos for both Playing Markets and ZachBradshaw.com.

Also, résumé coming soon.


Last Week Was the Week That…

I reclaimed my “Master” rank in RISK once more, going on a run of 11 wins out of 12.


I almost want to start a fresh account so that my win percentage stats reflect my true abilities.

Aside from that, I did some really fun cooking.  First, I made the best alfredo I’ve ever had twice.  Might be an instant top five in Chef BoyarBradshaw catalog.  Then, I made two batches of chicken stock for the first time ever.  I haven’t used it yet, but a quick taste-test tells me its far better than what I have been using.


I also finished Firefly and watched Serenity.  Very satisfying.  I’m not even sure why but it’s definitely one of my favorite series ever.

I’m also nearing full sobriety for the first time in about a year.  If I can get that done, the end of this year is going to be AH-mazin!

Zach Bradshaw’s Latest Content 9/1/24 – 9/7/24

Sunday September 1st

Monday September 2nd

Tuesday September 3rd

Wednesday September 4th

Thursday September 5th

Friday September 6th

Saturday September 7th

Content Streak

After last week:

My weekly content streak now is up to 182 days (begun Week 10), which is the longest streak of my 2024 Content Challenge so far.

In 2023, my longest streak was 62 days, from Week 8 to Week 16.  My longest streak ever was during my 2022 Content Challenge, snapped at 217 days in a row in Week 24.  My best during 2021’s Content Challenge was 67 days, from Week 14 to Week 23.  And my best in 2020 was 157 days in a row, which ended in Week 21.

The march toward a full 365 continues.  📈