2025 Content Challenge Week 11:


77 just seems like a lucky number.

I’m not going to look it up or anything, I’m just going to believe that it is.

Either way, 11 weeks is strong and quarter one is almost done.  This will be the first time I’ve had an intact streak heading into Q2 since 2022.

And it might have been that long since I’ve felt this good.


What Got Done?

A whole lotta trading, that’s what!


While I did get the Playing Markets Babypips profile to level one, this week was sorely lacking in new content on PlayingMarkets.net.  And unfortunately, I’m not entirely sure I’m going to be able to remedy that this week.  I really don’t want it to become a trend, but it’s getting crowded out of my schedule and my daily brainwidth.

I’ve had chances to work it in but overall planning took priority.  That may continue for another week or two.  I need to get my head wrapped around everything… as I am beginning to anticipate a traffic explosion across the board.

First, I had completely forgotten about Bing!

More importantly, I wasn’t expecting exposure like this from a few social media and forum posts:

I was just doing it for SEO!

I didn’t even spend that much time on it.

Now, I’m really going to make time for it.  It’s actually fun and I’m learning a lot, especially on the forums.  All around low effort-to-reward ratio

But that doesn’t mean I can neglect my bread and butter.  Writing is how I learn best.  Plus, if I get something written—even only a little bit—about everything I’m learning right now, I should have no problem turning out more long-form content.

Then there is also This Site, where I am planning a massive clean up in support of all of My Brands.  It’s about time I reigned all my topics and got serious about spinning things off.  Most of that is still far way but fixing up my Playing Markets silo (ie. the Doji page I finished Saturday) would do a lot of good for Playing Markets the brand, especially if I get the whole site more cohesive.

I know I am a serious nerd.


But I could hardly be more excited about the next couple of months.

Last Week Was the Week That…

I officially hit the 3-month sober mark on the 13th.


And it shows in my ability to Focus and Impulse Control.

Good thing, cuz March Madness, the race for top four, and Trumpertainment are all powerful potential Distractions.

Speaking of, UNC put its fans through the toughest watch possible against Duke in the ACC tournament…

The first half.


The comeback.


The ending.


And we might even miss the tournament again.


At least Chelsea did what they needed to do against Leicester City and F.C. København.


And maybe Trump will be able to end the Russia-Ukraine war before my streak reaches 100.


Zach Bradshaw’s Latest Content 3/9/25 – 3/15/25

Sunday March 9th

Monday March 10th

Tuesday March 11th

Wednesday March 12th

Thursday March 13th

Friday March 14th

Saturday March 15th

Content Streak

After last week:

My daily content streak now is up to 77 days (begun Week 1), which includes my entire 2025 Content Challenge so far.

My longest streak ever was last year, during my 2024 Content Challenge.  It lasted 262 days, spanning from from Week 10 to Week 48.  In 2023, my longest streak was 62 days, from Week 8 to Week 16.  My longest streak during my 2022 Content Challenge reached 217 days, ending in Week 24.  My best during 2021’s Content Challenge was 67 days, from Week 14 to Week 23.  And my best in 2020 was 157 days in a row, which ended in Week 21.

The march toward a full 365 continues.  📈