Welcome to Mufasa’s Den
Online Cave of Zach Bradshaw | Autodidact & Aspiring Alchemist
What You’ll Find Here
For the time being, this site is mostly just a data dump. Over time, it may become more useful to the outside observer. Who knows?
My Own Research
I am the definition of a know-it-all. Hopefully, someone else can use that to their advantage. These pages are to cataloging my learnings.
Opinions of Same
I am a master of unsolicited advice. Frankly, it’s annoying. An outlet for self-expression, I hope this site will help me become a better listener.
Video Breakdowns
I consume hundreds of hours of video training, keynotes, and other education content. Timestamping content helps me learn and teach others.
Who Is This Guy?
Hi, I’m Zach.
Thanks for checking out my site.
It’s a work in progress. But things are finally coming along. This site will function as a brand hub and personal blog in the long term. I will also build out my favorites and profiles of my favorite heroes and role models.
I may even offer services directly through this site in the long term.
At this point, there are only a few pages worth looking at:
- Achievement
- Character
- Goal Setting
- Habits
- Productivity
- Deep Work
- Self Brainwashing
- Self Discipline
- Motivation
- Morning Routines
- Procrastination
- Brian Johnson
- Gary Vee
- AMEX Gold Card
- AMEX Blue Cash Everyday Card
- Playing Markets
- Trading
- Investing
Just Do It
That’s what this site is about for me.
More than anything else, it’s an exercise in putting myself out there. Thus, this stupid lion picture 😂😅😂
For now, it’s also an exercise in consistency.
This site is the definition of a work-in-progress. I can’t make up my mind whether to focus on the writing or the designing. I guess it doesn’t matter. The daily content challenge marches on.
There is a lot that goes into. I can’t make up my mind whether to focus on the writing or the designing. I guess it doesn’t matter. The daily content challenge marches on.
The Zach Bradshaw Blog
2020 Content Challenge Week 7 Review: The Bounce Back
This week we got back in the game. If last week was a 14-0 first quarter... This week I brought the deficit down to something like 24-14. It wasn't pretty but I definitely closed the gap. To a large degree, we're back on script. But we still have another half to play....
2020 Content Challenge Week 6 Review: Smacked in the Mouth
This week was a tough one. Execution was nowhere near crisp enough. Now, we're down on the score. Fortunately, I was able to get a few points on the board. At least my content streak is still alive. Despite getting smacked in the mouth, First Quarter of the Second...
2020 Content Challenge Week 5 Review: The Right Intangibles
This week I made it harder than it had to be. Yet, a win is a win. I don't mind winning ugly. And close games build character. Not to mention, I was able to make some massive deposits on the future. Winning a championship often comes down to intangibles. This week, we...
2020 Content Challenge Week 4 Review: Down to the Wire
This was a stop and start week. For me, it was meetings on meetings and meetings. This kept me from being able to lead as effectively as I wanted to. I'll need to make some adjustments—as I plan on more such weeks, not less. In effect: This was a quarter of football...
2020 Content Challenge Week 3 Review: Grinding It Out
One of my favorite morning Affirmations: "I yearn for the daily grind." The path to success isn't glamorous. It's grueling and monotonous. You have the same mandate everyday: Take the next step. Wherever you are along the journey, you must continue to move forward....
Setting the New 20s Off Right: My 2020 Goals
New Year's Resolutions get a bad wrap. It's not their fault though. It's yours. The truth is: The beginning of the year is a perfect time for a reset. You have to execute though. Do it right and this year could be the best year you've ever had. No guarantees. Because,...
2020 Content Challenge Week 2 Review: Ball Control
New year; new goals. I've got several pans in the fire. Some of them are huge, at least to me. Most have new content tied in one way or another. That's good for my 2020 Content Challenge. It's good for This Site. And it's good for my Greensboro SEO Pro. While that's...
My Content Creation Challenges – 3 7 Years to Content Publishing Mastery
Over the last few years, I've been challenging myself to create content for me. It's been surprisingly tough. Ya see: My agency excels at content creation. Yet I've struggled to get it done for myself with any consistently. These content challenges are an attempt to...
2020 Content Challenge Week 1 Review: First Game Jitters
I love the beginning of a new year. It's a time of clarity. I'm slowly becoming a Goal Setting master. I think Yearly Goals are probably my favorite. They are easy to plan and review. Over the last few years, I've been able to implement serious changes to my Habits at...