Welcome to Mufasa’s Den

Online Cave of Zach Bradshaw | Autodidact & Aspiring Alchemist

What You’ll Find Here

For the time being, this site is mostly just a data dump.  Over time, it may become more useful to the outside observer.  Who knows?


My Own Research

I am the definition of a know-it-all.  Hopefully, someone else can use that to their advantage.  These pages are to cataloging my learnings.

Opinions of Same

I am a master of unsolicited advice.  Frankly, it’s annoying.  An outlet for self-expression, I hope this site will help me become a better listener.

Video Breakdowns

I consume hundreds of hours of video training, keynotes, and other education content.  Timestamping content helps me learn and teach others.

Who Is This Guy?

Hi, I’m Zach.

Thanks for checking out my site.

It’s a work in progress.  But things are finally coming along.  This site will function as a brand hub and personal blog in the long term.  I will also build out my favorites and profiles of my favorite heroes and role models.

I may even offer services directly through this site in the long term.

At this point, there are only a few pages worth looking at:


Just Do It

That’s what this site is about for me.

More than anything else, it’s an exercise in putting myself out there.  Thus, this stupid lion picture 😂😅😂

For now, it’s also an exercise in consistency.


Zach Bradshaw’s Daily Content Challenge


This site is the definition of a work-in-progress.  I can’t make up my mind whether to focus on the writing or the designing.  I guess it doesn’t matter.  The daily content challenge marches on.


There is a lot that goes into.  I can’t make up my mind whether to focus on the writing or the designing.  I guess it doesn’t matter.  The daily content challenge marches on.

The Zach Bradshaw Blog

Setting Goals for 2019

Setting Goals for 2019

I have mixed feelings about New Year's Resolutions. I don't believe in waiting to make changes. I think it makes more sense to try to grow everyday. Create good new habits.  Erase the negative old ones.  Do it all the time. However, I find that measurement is...

Playing for Four Quarters

Playing for Four Quarters

I believe that everything is training for the next thing. At 30 years old, I am finally stepping into my own. I had a lot of bad habits to shed.  I also had a lot to learn about life.  I’m grateful that I “woke up” as early as I did. Now, I can conceptualize 10, 20,...

365 Day Content Challenge Week 7: Starting the New Year Strong

365 Day Content Challenge Week 7: Starting the New Year Strong

I'm pretty sure 2019 is the last year I will need to put money so high on my priority list. I believe I will still do so. As I begin to master it, it's actually becoming quite fun. However, I expect to reach financial freedom this year. And this daily content...

My Month in Personal Growth – December 2018

My Month in Personal Growth – December 2018

December has been one of the best months of my life. Rather: I've been around my all-time best this month. Experientially, nothing beats the days with my boys. But I am turning myself into a monster.  It really showed this month.  Much of the pay off will come later. ...

365 Day Content Challenge Week 6: First Little Hiccup

365 Day Content Challenge Week 6: First Little Hiccup

This was easily the toughest test for the daily content challenge so far. In fact, the test was so tough, I failed. My consistent content streak broke on Christmas Day. I actually started the day well.  I started so well that I built on a new dev site instead of...

365 Day Content Challenge Week 5: Markets Hold Support

365 Day Content Challenge Week 5: Markets Hold Support

Apologies on the investing theme. It's a major theme in my life right now. It's also relevant here. This daily content challenge is largely a mandatory investment in my future. I'm making deposits into my online portfolio every single day for the next 330 or so. For...

365 Day Content Challenge Week 4: Checkpoint Complete

365 Day Content Challenge Week 4: Checkpoint Complete

This seems a major milestone. Though I decided to start my Daily Content Challenge on the 17th, I included content started from my birthday. That makes today the one-month anniversary. So far, it's been surprisingly easy. The hardest part has been deciding what to do...

365-Day Daily Content Challenge Week 3: 1000s of Words

365-Day Daily Content Challenge Week 3: 1000s of Words

I'm doing fairly well on my daily content challenge so far. This week included a couple meaty posts and my first public SEO video in over 3 years. Then, I went on a design tear over the weekend. I'm not sure whether I'll be able to keep up the pace in January as my...

My Month in Personal Growth – November 2018

My Month in Personal Growth – November 2018

November was strong. It might have been the strongest month of my life to this point. It makes sense.  I turned 30 last month. I'm pretty sure Zach Bradshaw's thirty-first year will be his best. That's because I get to make that choice everyday. The post you're...