Welcome to Mufasa’s Den
Online Cave of Zach Bradshaw | Autodidact & Aspiring Alchemist
What You’ll Find Here
For the time being, this site is mostly just a data dump. Over time, it may become more useful to the outside observer. Who knows?
My Own Research
I am the definition of a know-it-all. Hopefully, someone else can use that to their advantage. These pages are to cataloging my learnings.
Opinions of Same
I am a master of unsolicited advice. Frankly, it’s annoying. An outlet for self-expression, I hope this site will help me become a better listener.
Video Breakdowns
I consume hundreds of hours of video training, keynotes, and other education content. Timestamping content helps me learn and teach others.
Who Is This Guy?
Hi, I’m Zach.
Thanks for checking out my site.
It’s a work in progress. But things are finally coming along. This site will function as a brand hub and personal blog in the long term. I will also build out my favorites and profiles of my favorite heroes and role models.
I may even offer services directly through this site in the long term.
At this point, there are only a few pages worth looking at:
- Achievement
- Character
- Goal Setting
- Habits
- Productivity
- Deep Work
- Self Brainwashing
- Self Discipline
- Motivation
- Morning Routines
- Procrastination
- Brian Johnson
- Gary Vee
- AMEX Gold Card
- AMEX Blue Cash Everyday Card
- Playing Markets
- Trading
- Investing
Just Do It
That’s what this site is about for me.
More than anything else, it’s an exercise in putting myself out there. Thus, this stupid lion picture 😂😅😂
For now, it’s also an exercise in consistency.
This site is the definition of a work-in-progress. I can’t make up my mind whether to focus on the writing or the designing. I guess it doesn’t matter. The daily content challenge marches on.
There is a lot that goes into. I can’t make up my mind whether to focus on the writing or the designing. I guess it doesn’t matter. The daily content challenge marches on.
The Zach Bradshaw Blog
How the Worst Thing That Ever Happened to Me Was Actually the Best
The title is a great exercise. But this is more than that. This is the truth. It's the story of how my greatest pain became my greatest strength. And it starts with a... Cardboard Box From the time I was 12... I used to say: "I could live in a cardboard box as long as...
365-Day Daily Content Challenge Week 2: First Couple Tests
A few weeks ago now, I put myself up to a 365-day daily content challenge. I've never done anything like it before. The closest I've come is committing to monthly personal growth updates for 2018. I still have two of those left. For some reason, I decided to up the...
How Gary Vee and Nahko Bear Teamed Up to Save My Life
Once upon a time, I was in a deep, dark place. It was completely self-imposed. I loved a girl. She gave me the world's greatest kids. But I was a dick. So she ran away with them. Good on her. It fucking huuuuuuuuurt though. It almost did me in. How? It took me so...
365-Day Daily Content Challenge Week 1: Everything on the Record
I haven't really promoted it yet. But I've challenged myself to publish new content online everyday for a full year. I've never written for myself consistently. Now that changes. Honestly, it already sound like a huge task. This weekly update post will serve as a...
Personal Branding Update 2019
This post is long overdue. It's nothing special. But the earlier I get this done, the better. I am working on my personal brand this year. Now, I'm nobody special. But I am trying to build a massive business. Besides, I listen to too much Gary Vee not to take...
365-Day Daily Content Challenge: A Humble Beginning
I've been writing online for half a decade now. I've been getting websites to page one of Google for almost as long. For a variety of reasons (read: excuses), I've failed to produce content consistently for myself. I got GreensboroSEOPro.com—along with several of its...
Heroes vs. Role Models
I am the hero of my own story. After all, who else could be? Once upon a time, my hero was Barry Sanders. I thought I was going to rush for 2,000+ yards and become the greatest running back of all time—just like Barry. The only difference was that I was going to win...
My Month in Personal Growth – October 2018
Late. It's okay though. I rebuilt GreensboroSEOPro.com over the last month and a half. I started this post on time but never really took it seriously until everything over there was ready to go. Now we're 99% there. So I'll knock the rest of this one out today....
My Month in Personal Growth – September 2018
Surprisingly punctual. Maybe that should be the name of this series moving forward. It kinda sounds like a jinx though. For now, I'll avoid tempting fate. Instead, I'll do what I have been doing: Focus on Discipline and Consistency. After all, that's how I got this...